
Super Sneaky Spy Guy 10

Super Sneaky Spy Guy 10-The Tenth Tough Task。


我的破解方法。轉載請註明出處。檔案比較大,請耐心等待。 <放大觀看>

.pick.46821 52491 62497 64281.Escaping fatE may not sEEm so hard if you can choosE thE right path. Chooseing thE right path may bE hardEr than you think.XZD.lantern.It is a shovel, the lion might attack if you try to get it though!.The lion hasn't slept in like 10 years!.The control box has no power..There appears to be a crack in the ice..

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那麼厲害!這樣都能解答出來 :P